
2024-09-07 文字:[] 点击:[]

姓名: 汤志恒

最高学位: 哲学博士(University of Reading

研究方向: 分析哲学框架下的形而上学

电子邮箱: bilking@live.com





(1) “Timeless Causation?”, Acta Analytica 38 (3): 471–479, 2023. 

(2) “We Should Not Be a Counterpart Theorist of Events If We Want to Be a

Counterfactual Theorist of Causation”, Theoria 87 (5): 1038–1049, 2021.

(3) “Absence Causation and a Liberal Theory of Causal Explanation”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (4): 688–705, 2015.

(4) 赌徒论证、混合型策略及其问题”,《文史哲》2024年第6期,146–161

(5) 什么是时间旅行——略论大卫·刘易斯对‘时间旅行’的定义”,《清华西方哲学研究2023年第2期,14–27

(6) “同时性因果和物理学论证”,《哲学研究》2022年第4期,108–117

(7) “‘逝度’:对时间流速问题一个探索性的解决方案”,哲学分析》2021年第5146–159。


(1) 屡次失手做出‘圆的方’(访谈)《认知科学》2023年第2期,114–135

(2) 论文,不是‘议论文’:大学写作要克服的几个中学写作陋习”,《批判性思维与创新教育通讯》2023年第1期,29–33

(3) “从发现引力波看证实悖论”,《中国社会科学报》2016年总第967







Before coming to IMU I was a Senior Researcher at Shandong University (Qingdao); before that I was an Assistant Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology; before that I was a postdoc at Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University. Before that I did my Ph.D. at the University of Reading, under the supervision of, my fellow fan of the Reading Football Club, David Oderberg. Before that I learned from Chen Jiaying, who taught me that philosophy is a way of life; and from Thomas Hurka, who taught me that philosophy is a discipline. (Their teachings really confuse me as it follows that philosophical life is disciplined!) And before that, as it usually happens when a lover of philosophy is unfortunately majored in counting money, I had to learn by myself.

While I am interested in a wide range of topics in metaphysics (broadly construed in the tradition of analytic philosophy), my recent research has focused on properties, time, and causation. I am glad to work with students who find these areas fun, or boring but, nonetheless, worth examining.

My favorite definition of philosophy is by Anthony Quinton: “Philosophy is thinking about thinking.”

And I am sympathetic with Quentin Smith’s verdict on doing philosophy: “I’d rather fail in doing philosophy than succeed in doing anything else.”


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